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Anyone want to join the DETOX????

YESTERDAY I  DECLARED WAS DETOX SUNDAY- IT IS STILL NOT TOO LATE-ANYONE WANT TO JOIN ME-today I will start again- my intention for this week is to detox- not only detox my diet- but also detox my spirit. To me this means the following: DETOX MY TIME (set aside time each day for meditation or prayer and plan my week well- make good choices to move me towards realizing dreams and learn to say NO to things that don’t serve me well) DETOX MY SPACE( Give myself the space to breath, declutter and let go of things that don’t serve me well), DETOX MY PAST (little by little replace bad habits with good one, release the negative chatter by replacing it with positive affirmations using a daily mantra and let go of those limiting beliefs that don’t serve me well), and DETOX MY PRESENT ( Start with an attitude of gratitude. Start your morning each day with 5 things that you are grateful for in your life. Get rid of the people and the things that are toxic. Detach and detox with love. Do a self check as to the frequency that you are on and make adjustments accordingly. Speak wonderment into your life. Watch your words, they dictate a lot. Fill your thoughts with amazing, wonderful visions for yourself and believe that all your dreams have already come to light.)

As I detox, I welcome all the magic and miracles to flow into the empty spaces that I have freed up-At the end of year day, please join me in sharing the beauty of what this surrendering feels like- remember to surrender to the effortless abundance of the universe- JOIN ME and move that much closer to realizing your beauty within! I AM!

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