“Spring is nature’s way of saying, ‘Let’s party!’” Robin Williams
In January, the seeds are planted as we set out resolutions and goals for the New Year. In February, we start the process of investigation to find loving ways to make those dreams become a reality by finding the best soil to protect them from the harsh reality of life. In March, we start to gain wisdom as we renew our hope of incredible possibilities. In April, with a renewed determination, we use the showers and the sun as the essential ingredients needed to nurture the seeds to allow the buds to break through. Soon, we will experience amazing things as we allow all that we have learned to transform our dreams into reality and start to see the proverbial fruit of our labors. Today starts a new day. We can almost smell, see, taste and hear that something wonderful that is about to burst through and into our lives. Now, in the springtime, a celebration is about to begin marked with colorful arrangements of flowers, as we rejoice seeing our life’s efforts blossom into beautiful achievements. When we look around and appreciate all the wonder that surrounds us, this is the best perspective and attitude that we will carry into the next month. This is our month that is filled with everything that our imaginations allow. Spring is in the air, let’s welcome the beauty of the new flowers and opportunities in our lives. Breathe in the new life, breathe in the new beginnings and as a reminder, Let’s party!
Magical Key to Bliss: Wake to the appreciation of everything that will unfold before you today!
