“You may as well be yourself, everyone else has been taken.”
Oscar Wilde
While extremely humorous, the reality of this statement remains fundamentally true. While you are bombarded on a daily basis through the media with images of glamorous superstars or glamorous lifestyles, you are encouraged to dream of being anyone other than yourself. You are faced everyday with the suggestion that as you are, you are not good enough. With all the external and unnecessary pressures that you place on your lives to be something that you perceive the world sees as acceptable, you completely miss out on the big picture and end up totally and completely exhausted in the interim. And what is the big picture? Well, it is really very simple. Be true to yourself no matter what. Follow your heart, follow your own dreams, and just GO FOR IT! Don’t waste your time in this life trying to match up to someone else’s expectations of you and chase after someone else’s standards. For this life, God has given you everything you needed the day you entered this world. And, you shall have everything to sustain you until the last day you are on this earth. Shine bigger and better and you get in touch with your internal spirit and allow that inner flow to just burst out of you. Express yourself in alignment with all the amazing potential that is waiting to come out. You were planned according to a divine blueprint. So embrace it! You may as well, by embracing all that is you, you give others permission to do the same. Besides, everyone else has already been taken and thank goodness for that!
Magical Key to Bliss: Choose to see the beauty in the differences.
