“Come to the edge, he said.
They said: We are afraid.
Come to the edge, he said.
They came.
He pushed them
and they flew. . . “
Guillaume Apollinaire
Do not be limited by your fear. For fear is all just an illusion anyway. When you are entrenched in fear, you can feel paralyzed with no idea how to move out of it. Sometimes it is less painful to take a risk to move out of that suffocating space then to stay with what we know. Sometimes tolerable risk coupled with your wise intuition can be just the thing that can set you free from your imaginary cage. Life beckons to you on a daily basis to participate, to engage, and to be involved in your journey. Life urges you to come to the edge. Life invites you everyday to experience all that you can while you are here. Life knows that if you do take some risks, what lies on the other side can and probably is more than you ever could imagine. Our world opens up to all the possibilities that are already there for you to take hold of. If you know in your heart that fear is the only thing that can hold you back from taking risks, set it aside and imagine what you need to believe that you are a fearless being. Perhaps come to the edge, spread your wings, take the leap of faith and fly! And as you are soaring to greater heights, be sure to feel the rejuvenating wind in your face, smile and have fun. You won’t regret it if you do.
