“Nothing great was ever created without enthusiasm.”
Ralph Waldo Emerson
As adults we tend to forget the enthusiasm that we felt and experienced as young children. The kind of enthusiasm where we come out of our skin with excitement and joy. The kind of enthusiasm that is infectious. And, the kind of enthusiasm that is the necessary ingredient to fuel our success in life as individuals. This is our new beginning. This is where we transform our dreams into our present day reality. We need to plug into those emotions that had us sitting on the edge of our seats as little ones. We need to become the cheerleaders of our own wondrous future for if we are not enthusiastic about the process, who will be? We are all destined for great things, in particular a life lived on purpose with great passion. We need to enthusiastically release the victim role and jump into the driver’s seat on our journey. Amazing things unfold everyday when we decide to get off of our couch to make things happen. With enthusiasm mixed with inspired action, we will find that our experiences will rise to our optimistic intentions. Attitude is everything. And with an eager spirit that yearns to follow our bliss, we no longer have to imagine how great life will be. The passion that we will bring to our practice will create the kind of success that will see all of us shine through!
Magical Key to Bliss: Enthusiastically set a course to see one of your dreams come true!
