If our lives appear impoverished, the fault lies not in our lives but in our lack of awareness. Looking more deeply, however, we come to understand that we cannot blame our awareness alone, for it is not awareness that is at fault but the constraints we have placed on expression.
~Nina Elliot
Magical. The world is magical if you choose to have faith and believe it. Mysterious. Your life is a beautiful mystery begging to be discovered. Stop constraining your experience. Relax into it. Look around and see with your whole being. Once you begin to allow awareness to permeate your soul, you tap into the miraculous. And once you tap into the miraculous, you are one with the world. Release your preconceptions to renew a sense of freedom. Life is felt with the heart. Life is being inspired. Choose to really get in touch with a greater consciousness. Shift your perception. You cannot see the air you breathe, but it is there. You feel the cool breeze that signals a change in seasons. You cannot see the bonds that tie you to another, but the energy is there. You cannot see the spirit of another, but the love is there. You cannot see the richness of this world, but in your heart you know that the opportunity to discover remains always at your fingertips. Magical. It all is really magical. To believe anything less only serves to deter you from the riches laid out before you. Be prepared to free your mind so that you can watch the magic unfold that will take you to a place of higher awareness, constrained no more.
Magical Key to Bliss: Believe that life is magical, and behold what lies behind the obvious!
