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Do not be afraid to stand out in a crowd!

“The truth is that it doesn’t matter that people will laugh at you, think that you are weird, or feel your dreams seem totally unattainable – You must not listen to them. They are too entrenched in the limited herd mentality to see the greater possibilities that are available. . .What is different about you is what makes you special.”

Bernard Hiller

Are you afraid to embrace your differences because you fear that you will not fit in with others? That you will somehow be left alone to wither away in solitude?  Then again isn’t it worse to allow the fear of not being accepted in this world to stop you from becoming all that you are meant to be?  So what if you risk and fail, you are only that much closer to success.  So what if you make mistakes, you can learn the art of self-acceptance through laughter.  So what if you stumble a little, you are strong enough to pick yourself up and never give up on your dreams.  Take a moment today and remember a time in your life when you felt invincible.  When you felt like you could become whomever you wanted to be, you could do whatever you put your mind to, you embraced the endless possibilities for your life.  Now, stay in that moment, feel that reality, look around as if you are still there as that amazing and miraculous dreamer.  Let that sense of wonder and potential permeate every pore of your being.  And then disengage from any fear that you may have. Step away from any toxicity that may surround you. Tap into all the joy that is within you.  And just believe. Protect your uniqueness from fading into the background. Share your talents by exposing your creative soul to the world.  Embrace how it feels to perform in front of many and then imagine the supportive and loving energy urging you on.  And, do not be afraid to stand out in the crown when your intuition guides you.  Listen to your inner voice, trust that knowing that you are here on purpose and embrace your differences.  And when you do, your courage to just be will free others to do the same.  And through your efforts, no one will have to worry about fitting in because your new normal will be the most amazing and eclectic group you have ever seen.   Now that sounds like a journey that I would want to take and I would much rather prefer colorful instead of gray any day!



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