“It is precisely the possibility of realizing a dream that makes life interesting.”
Paulo Coelho
Possibilities in life are endless. If there comes a time when you can’t see any hope on the horizon, stop and take a moment to dream. You will find that there is incredible power to dreaming. When you spend time allowing your imagination to run wild, innovative ideas will come to you like bursts of sunshine on a cloudy day. Making it a habit to take the time to dream will catapult you to live your life with a renewed enthusiasm and hope for wonderful things to happen. When you set out to make your dreams come true, the excitement that accompanies your inspired action becomes more and more contagious. With a new incredible goal foremost in your mind, each morning when you wake up you will be eager to take the steps to bring it closer and closer into your reality. Each day you will be excited to seek out opportunities to further your aspirations and inspirations. Each day you will be enthusiastic to open the gifts that will allow you to discover your purpose. So if find yourself stuck in a rut, make it a point today to connect with your personal dreams, take action to realize them, believe in your own potential and then open your mind to visualizing whatever it is that you so desire as if it already existed. It is the possibility of something wonderful happening that will shift you. So start off dreaming big, then go bigger, all the way to the biggest most impossible dream you can imagine! Not only will your life be more interesting, but magical and powerful as well! Dream a little dream with me, won’t you?
