Whatever you do, do it well. Do it so well that when people see you do it, they will want to come back and see you do it again, and they will want to bring others and show them how well you do what you do.
~Walt Disney, American Visionary, Cartoonist and Animator

We are all good at something. We all have been born with our own special set of gifts. While some of us have a gift for the written word, others have a gift of speech. While some have the gift of discovery, others apply what is discovered. While some have a gift of organization, others lead and inspire. The bottom line is that each one of us contributes to the beautiful fabric of this world. No one person can do it all. We need each other to make this life experience all that it can be. So if we all bring our best to the table, we will inspire others to follow our example. Whatever it is that we are good at, we must do it well.
So if you are here to sweep floors because you enjoy cleanliness, do it well. If you are here to heal the sick, be present and compassionate in the whole process. If you are here to fight for justice, do not forget to be just. Whatever you choose to do that brings you happiness and joy, do it with pride. For when you do, you bring your own magic and miracles, and we can all take pride in having experienced this kind of enthusiasm that is contagious!
Magical Key to Bliss: Take pride in what you do, and do it well.