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Expect the best, and you will most likely get it!

It is a very funny thing about life; if you refuse to accept anything but the best, you very often get it.

~W. Somerset Maugham, British playwright, novelist, and short-story writer

As we learn, we grow. As we grow, we realize there are qualities that make the journey in life much easier. Wisdom through trial and error is a gift. For instance, if we are flexible and do not resist change, a challenging or scary situation can turn out to be a magnificent, life-altering event. If we stop seeking approval from others and recognize our own value and worth, we become the victor as we trust our own intuition and are empowered by making the best choices. If we refuse to accept anything but the best, we can accept that whatever is happening in our lives at any given time is perfect for the lesson that is before us. Rigid behavior only gets us more and more frustrated. Relying on praise from another keeps us trapped in a self-imposed cage and never really free to experience all that the world has to offer. A closed mind to the belief that we are worthy of the best has the potential to stall the continued positive growth that we could be otherwise enjoying. So as we move forward in life, if we choose the belief that everything that comes our way has the possibility to uplift our spirit, broaden our horizons, and keep us going in a positive direction—and if we refuse to accept anything less—the experience that we will have most definitely will be the best.

Magical Key to Bliss: Ask, believe, and receive.


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