“No positive change is possible unless action has been taken. What action should you take to create the change you want?”
Natalie Ledwell If you find yourself complaining about your life, this is the perfect question to ask yourself- what are you doing to make your life better? How are you going to get your fire back?
Even if things don’t change in an instant, anything that you bring to your life to keep yourself moving forward will have a most wonderful and magical impact on your future! You need a spark to light your fire. It can be one idea that you act upon that sets you out on a magical adventure. It can be risking and being a bit more vulnerable if you want a better relationship with that special person in your life. It can be that dream you have that you finally write down and break it up in small projects that will have you experiencing the reality of what you have already visualized.
Make positive change your reality by taking action by taking steps in the right direction – when you start to gain momentum, the small spark will increase into a fire that takes over your life and allows you to soar to new heights. So don’t just sit there and wait for it- it’s really up to you! If you want your fire back, take action, have faith and just believe. It is a magical season anyway, isn’t it?
