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Grateful for the challenges!

“I am grateful for all of my problems. After each one was overcome, I became stronger and more able to meet those that were still to come. I grew in all my difficulties.”                                 James Cash Penney

If you are going through challenges at this time, it can be really hard to be grateful. However, it is the discomfort of life that allows you to truly get to know who you are and what you are capable of. If you went through life never experiencing heartache, how would you ever get the chance to truly appreciate those times of pure joy and wonder. Facing life head on during those tough times gives you a sense of empowerment. You can learn incredible lessons when you are at the low points. And if you let those lessons deliver their magical messages, you will inspire and pull others through as well. When you bring gratitude into your life for any circumstance, you not only shift your perspective on what is happening, but allow the miraculous to take over.   When you appreciate what has already happened, you start to thrive and transform from victim to spiritual warrior! It is a true test of the human spirit where you can take the lesson of a difficult experience and turn it around for your benefit. With faith and gratitude for the bumps in the road, both big and small, you can learn to make your journey into something even more beautiful than if those bumps never happened! Instead of withering, you get to grow, move forward and meet life with love and compassion from the wound. Congratulate yourself, for you are a courageous warrior and with this foundation, you are ready for the rest that is to come!


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