“Gratitude is the law of increase and complaint is the law of decrease.”
Florence Scovel Shinn
When you express gratitude, you can overcome so many obstacles in your life. When you embrace gratitude as a lifestyle, you start to welcome many beautiful experiences and cement relationships with the people who surround you. By saying thank you for what you have received in life, it is an opportunity to experience the law of increase at its finest. There is an amazing energy that comes from standing still in gratitude. This kind of powerful energy will never exist if you focus on complaints. It can exist, however, when you focus your attention on the gift of life you have been given by your Creator. Everything that follows is up to you. With an attitude of gratitude, your mind can shift its focus and your body and soul can reenergize with enthusiasm as well. That is when your blessings, magic and miracles will be on the rise. When you look at all that you already have in your life, be it family, friends, opportunities and the like, you participate gladly in the law of increase. As you stand still in gratitude, you will find that this way of thinking will do more than sustain you. An attitude of gratitude never fails. At a minimum, it will bolster your chance to realize all your hopes and dreams with an open and grateful heart! And as you sit and celebrate this new day full of possibility, appreciate that this contribution can more than make a difference in the world, it can change it!
