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I need to hear this one tonight- HOLD ON TO YOUR DREAMS!

Hold on to Your Dreams!

“When a person really desires something, all the universe conspires to help that person to realize his dream.”

Paulo Coelho

There are times in life when we are all just floating along, aimless and without direction wondering why our hopes and dreams are at a standstill.  There are times in life where past patterns weigh heavily on our soul wishing to be released from their very determined grip.  There are times in life where fear, of both the known and the unknown, can really take a mental toll on our internal happiness if only to leave us spiraling in a detrimental direction. STOP.  When you are experiencing this, remind yourself that this too shall pass.   Ask yourself “What is the lesson to be learned and what is this experience meant to teach me?”   Learn it by journaling, meditating, praying, do whatever works for you so that you learn the lesson and move on.  Because the good stuff is just waiting to be received by you.  When we hold onto the stuff that does not serve us well, we make a choice to delay all the wonderful things that life has in store for each and every one of us.  STOP yourself.  Don’t allow your ego to get in the way of all the gorgeous desires that you want to connect with.  Tap into the power of your greatest wish, put it foremost in your visual field and just be willing to receive.  The good stuff is on its way, it is when we allow doubt to creep in that realizing it is delayed.  You can really tap into that powerful part of your persona, use your mind to stimulate excitement and enthusiasm in your heart and let it magnify out as you make your request from the world.  What is it that you wish for your life, what is it that you can dream in existence, and what actions do you need to take to make it a reality?  When you allow yourself to sit with whatever is going on in your life and see it for what it is, one event that is leading you to realize the grand picture that the universe is painting for you, you will begin to really know that when you hold onto all that you desire, the universe will conspire in your favor.  Happy dreaming my friends and I will rejoice with you as all that your heart desires is realized as you navigate through all the lessons that come your way.  The key is to identify what aligns with your spirit and keep moving forward as the events are delivered as Godwinks in testament to your faith in life!

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