…there are no wrong turns, only unexpected paths.
~Mark Nepo, American poet, philosopher, and author of The Book of Awakening
Your future is calling to you; it is time to let go of the stuff that leaves you trapped. It is time to be grateful for all of the lessons that have taught you so much. It is time to make a commitment with enthusiasm, opening your heart and mind to the new paths that are there to be discovered. It is time to get ready for the unexpected paths. While you may be yearning for a shift in your life, it won’t happen until you are willing to make the changes necessary. Remind yourself that there are no wrong turns. When you let go of the past and open up to a sunrise of an amazing future filled with lots of connections, you will be on your way to realizing your dreams. You can take the safe approach that is laden with fear, or you can take the empowered approach that allows for incredible possibility. The choice is ultimately yours to make. But action is key. When you act, know that new, amazing experiences wait right around the corner. If you do not risk, you will never know that they exist. However, when you drop the baggage of the past and embrace the wings of your future, you will find unexpected paths that will lead you exactly where you are meant to travel. And there you will open your eyes to new opportunities that will free your soul.
Magical Key to Bliss: Believe in a future inspired by the magic of your dreams!
