To live, to err, to fall, to triumph, to recreate life out of life.
~James Joyce, Irish novelist and poet
There are those stories of triumph over tribulation that are known to inspire the masses. There are those events in which the power of the human spirit to rise above challenges is showcased as moving both present and future generations forward. And as we study human existence over time, we discover the secret to keeping hope through it all. Life is truly a gift begging to be appreciated that God gives us every day we open our eyes. It is a gift that is presented to us whether gift wrapped or not, to do with what we can. And as long as we do our best in the endeavor of living, even if we fall or err, we will persevere when we set our minds to do it, even triumphing as our own spirit soars in any given moment. There are moments in which routine takes over, and we are numb to the experience. And then there are moments when awe of the miracles that are right before us shakes us to the core. It is in the shift of consciousness that the passion takes over and the magic that is life itself materializes. And until our last day on this earth, we will have numerous chances to take our script and rewrite, re-create, and reinnovate, using what we have learned and infusing it with a prayer to make it that much better. It is time for the shift, and it is time to believe it is more fascinating after the transformation. Live life to the fullest!
Magical Key to Bliss: Start today, and make the decision to live life to the fullest no matter what appears on your path.
