“Being happy doesn’t mean everything is perfect. It means you have decided to look beyond the imperfections.”
Gerard Way
On any given day, as we strive for perfection, our constant self-examination has us looking for ways to further improve our lives. While a healthy desire for enhancement is not necessarily a bad thing, when we become consumed by what we perceive to be flaws, we take on an unhealthy evaluation that risks overshadowing our beauty within. This can eventually steal from our serenity, happiness and joy. While betterment is a worthy goal, it is the satisfaction with progress not perfection that will liberate us to truly enjoy life. When we choose to be happy with who we are today, the beautiful work in progress that we are, we get the chance to embrace the gift of life. When we choose to be happy, looking beyond our imperfections, we empower ourselves to increase our potential for a great life at that. That empowering energy that is in us and that surrounds us has a different vibration, one that is illuminating and inspiring. And that energy is what we all need to move us forward happily experiencing all that life has to offer.
Magical Key to Bliss: Embrace the beautiful work in progress that is you and keep moving forward!
