“So what can we do about the craziness of the world?”
“Nothing.” Ketut laughed, but with a dose of kindness. “This is the nature of the world. This is destiny. Worry about your craziness only-make you in peace.”
Elizabeth Gilbert
You cannot control the craziness of the world. However, you can make a difference in your corner of it. Instead of focusing on what you believe to be impossible, shift your attention to what you know you can do. You can create your world in peace by taking care of yourself. You can begin to pay attention to the kind of energy you bring to your life. You can focus with gratitude on your blessings. You can choose to tune out the noise and chaos with dedicated moments of focused joy. It is time to stop putting off your happiness for tomorrow by starting to stretch your body and mind for the pure love of it today. In small, manageable increments of time, take the action necessary to breathe yourself back into balance. Worrying does you no good. You cannot be a warrior if you are a worrier. Focus on what the fighter within needs to tame those out of control feelings. Seek out the tools, prayer, meditation, exercise, inspired conversation or reading, that will bring you back to sanity. Slowly at first, when the old habits are replaced with new ones, the peaceful transformation will be quicker and the living in the pain a lot shorter. Do what you can do now. Make you in peace and the ripple effect that you can have on the world will go beyond your even wildest imagination.
Magical Key to Bliss: Speak words of gratitude today accepting your peaceful journey.
