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May I help you find your verse?

That you are here—that life exists, and identity;

That the powerful play goes on, and you will contribute a verse.

~Walt Whitman, American Poet, excerpt from O Me! O Life!

As we awake to this journey and embrace our role, life unfolds before our eyes. We are here at this point in time, dressed in a personality that is all our own, armed with talents and skills that will aid us on the path of our choosing. Yet, thankfully, we are never really alone here. Each day, we are introduced to different characters placed along the way to participate in our powerful play. We are presented with angels in time, our tribe, who are in our lives for a reason, season, or lifetime, each one serving a distinct purpose. All present so that we can better discover our own unique purpose through challenges, celebrations, companionship, and conviviality. We are grateful as it goes on that we do not have to go it alone. We turn to the other offering a warm embrace, asking so simply in this powerful play of life, “How may I help you find your verse?”

Magical Key to Bliss: Spend some time thinking about your verse, your legacy.



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