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Miracles Happen When We Trust!

Miracles Happen When We Trust!


Not knowing what the future holds can be a gift when you get silent and share your hopes and dreams with God in moments of prayer. There you return to rest on this incredible universal energy that will see you through. With God, the energy of the universe or your higher power, all things are possible.  When you surrender to the magic of your life where you are able to connect to a place filled with love, then miracles do happen. Meditate on that and a greater strength will help to align you with your true calling.  A calling that is enveloped in passion and enthusiasm to continue joyously on your journey. There you will truly accept a trust that everything happens for a reason and all will work out for you. Do yourself a favor and step out of your own way, release the belief that you need to control all things and be grateful that you are not in this world alone.  With this freedom, you will know that there is someone greater who listens and understands the beautiful song that is in your heart.  When you surrender, you are free to move forward and embrace the miracles that unfold. When you allow your intuition to guide your choices by getting silent, you are tapping into a deeper source within that will lead you.  Trust is key to it all- it frees your spirit to fly. The release of your fears as you throw your arms wide open to be embraced by the heavens will be a miracle in and of itself!

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