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October-Empowered through service!


In October, choose to focus on love, not fear. Turn off the messages that no longer serve your spirit, and get empowered to turn on “I am” statements that positively uplift your soul. To be the change in a world that so desperately needs it, instead of focusing on what is wrong, get empowered by stating, “I am what is right,” and be in service to that sentiment. For in October, with The Magical Guide to Bliss by your side, we set out to serve, and with these wonderful acts, we will await the surprises that are sure to come our way.

In October, with an ability to come to the aid of others individually or through organizations and networks that provide assistance, we are able to serve one another for the greater good and at the same time receive amazing energetic vibes to take us through our days. As we celebrate the month of October, let’s keep in mind that the whole is greater than the sum of its parts and set out to empower our lives in service to community. There are so many ways to serve; in October, venture out to find one that resonates with you.


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