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Onward, freedom to create a new ending!

Though no one can go back and make a brand-new start, anyone can start from now and make a brand-new ending.

~Carl Bard

Be grateful for the knowledge that you do not have to go back and change what has occurred in the past. For it is true, alas, that you cannot. What truth you must live is to start today and make the changes necessary to fulfill your dreams, live your passions, and dwell in a place of love and goodness. Imagine, just because you woke this morning, you get this chance, this magical golden ticket, to do what’s right for you. You cannot change the past; it does not do you any good to have regrets. You shall make the choice to live a glorious present that impacts a more magnificent future. Just today. Just now. Just because you can. And even if your past is peppered with behaviors that you are not proud of, you know there is much you can be grateful for. Everything that has happened has folded into who you are today, and for all intents and purposes, it is good; it is divine. So with the beautiful community of energy you share with so many, you step into your life once again. Ready to write the next chapter as you go, and with grace, make the choice to embark on whatever the day holds with an attitude of tremendous gratitude. To that you can repeat the words of writer Ann Lamott—”Help me, Thank you, Wow, and Amen!”

Magical Key to Bliss: Start from now; you are free to make a brand-new ending

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