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Pass the love on!

1 Corinthians 13:13

“And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.”

Today my insight is directed to all of you- When we experience love, there is an energy that comes from all of us that is beautiful and healing.  This beautiful experience can leave a strong impression on those who feels it directly and on those who witness it from a far.  God’s love given to us through the many is so filled with golden splendor, the brightness makes it impossible to keep it to ourselves. A lot of hearts are aching for this, a lot of hearts are dreaming of this, and a lot of hearts are asking where is this in life.  I really love the God winks that allow me to be a vessel of God’s love to another and put me in a place where I can also be supported by what has been given out.  Eyes wide open! This is how I want to be in my world.  Seeing what love can do, and the important part we all place in making this a reality for the plenty not just the few.

People serving people giving love- so beautiful! In an insightful comment, a fellow seeker pointed out that we are challenged in our daily lives with the feeling that we can not make a difference then become very apathetic.  Yes, we will face these types of illusions, but the truth will set us all free.   Our truth can be made up of small and beautiful acts of love that can offer such a profound change and make a difference, you may not feel it directly but indirectly YES!   May we hold strong to that when we are faced with the challenges of life and use the music of love to move us right back to that beautiful place- the music of love touches the deepest part of our souls if we let it-  and never forget to DANCE! God is talking to us  through everything- pay attention! It can happen at anytime, anywhere! So amazing our God is!  So let’s go forward anew showered in God’s love- whether we realize it or not- it is there! I always never know why I do things really, maybe because in the end I know I will always learn something very important for my life when I follow my inner guide.   I will say that when i trust from a place of love I learn so much on an individual basis from all of you and on a grander scale as well. Now facing the challenge of putting it to work on a daily basis- God is good all the time, All the time God is good- once again Amen and Alleluia-Attitude of Gratitude, I am grateful that I have faith in life because God has shown me so much good, I am grateful that I have Hope for a better world because of experiences with like minded people like you, and most importantly I AM LOVE- WE ALL ARE! For me, that IS the greatest thing to understand!  So have a lot to be thankful for these days- Remember we are the lucky ones who have been blessed by so much love-so don’t forget to  GIVE LOVE and keep passing it on!  Hold onto whatever you can, be it a song, the relationships that you cherish or a gratitude rock as a reminder- I do!

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