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Set the tone for your life and connect!

“A dream you dream alone is only a dream. A dream you dream together is reality.” John Lennon When you wake in the morning, you set the tone for your day, week, month, and life.  If you want to live a life filled with joy, passion, enthusiasm and excitement, it is you who gets to make that choice when you open your eyes to the light of a new day.  Before you set your feet on the ground, make the decision that you will embrace life for all that it has to offer and stand in gratitude for the chance to do so.  Then, you have set the tone starting from a place of appreciation that could only lead to greater possibilities for amazing things to enter your life.   When you bring that kind of life changing energy to the fore, stand back and welcome the wonderful.  And if you want to see even more impressive results, take a moment and write down your dreams as they comes to mind.  It can be as big or small as you’d like, no matter. When you give yourself permission to dream, your world changes as you get into that heart space and imagine that for just one moment you step into a great reality. Then, do yourself a favor and share that dream with others so that it can catch the wind that it needs to take off.  You may be touched by your inner muse when you are sleeping for the sole purpose upon waking to find a way to see your dream realized.  When shared, in a matter of moments together you set a tone of possibility. In a matter of moments, together you set a tone that would allow for amazing things to happen.  And, in a matter moments, together you set a tone that creates a space for something more inspirational to occur before your eyes.  Then, the next time you wake in the morning, open your eyes and take on the day-because you set the tone of potential for your life and look to connect from there, there are no limits as to what kind of reality your connections are meant to achieve.  When you dream during the waking hours with others, a better reality for all of us is right around the corner.

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