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Start living intentionally on this day!

I know of no more encouraging fact than the unquestionable ability of man to elevate his life by conscious endeavor.

~Henry David Thoreau, American author, poet, philosopher, and transcendentalist

Elevate your life. Make the decision to set your mind to something great, and act. Be conscious of the direction that you step into. Ask yourself what makes you feel alive, and go seek it. Ask yourself what gives you the greatest joy, and build on it. Ask yourself how you can serve the world with a loving heart, and go do it! Most likely, if you find yourself in an impossible situation, there can only be a simple solution to your predicament. You must act with intention that comes only from you. Pull away the veil and start to see clearly what it is that you want in your life. Set aside the clutter so that you can once again breathe without the weight of the world bearing down on you. Turn down the noise and get silent so that you will no longer be distracted by what your guides have been telling you all along. The human spirit has an unquestionable ability to rise when determined to do so. Even in the hardest of circumstances, if you start wherever you are and make that your new beginning, you most certainly will look back with a smile at how far you have come. Start living intentionally on this day, and decide to elevate your life by embarking on an exciting journey that is bound to enlighten your path and encourage others for years to come.

Magical Key to Bliss: Set out your dreams, and start living intentionally today!

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