Happiness consists not of having, but of being; not of possessing, but of enjoying. It is a warm glow of the heart at peace with itself.
~David O. McKay, Author of Pathways to Happiness
Suffering in silence is something that many have known. Alone with our thoughts of how we do or do not measure up to what was expected of us, we nurture a sense of longing for validation that does not let up even into our later years. We yearn for a sense of peace. We yearn for a sense of acceptance. And we yearn for a sense of freedom—freedom to exist in this world and enjoy our place in it. When we finally do discover the warm glow of the heart at peace with itself, we are no longer silent about our pain as we start the healing process. When we share our hurts with others, our yearning dissipates and happiness takes its place. In confessing our struggle, we are freed from a false sense of perfection that we could never live up to. We no longer have to hide from judgment; we allow ourselves to just be. In turn, as the difficult emotions are released in tears, space in our hearts opens up for laughter once again. When we hide and do not permit ourselves to process our feelings, moving them through and out, then the suffering remains. But when we share from a vulnerable place, we admit to the world that we still suffer at times, but now no longer in silence. Then for sure, with friends by our side, our journey will be more peaceful and joyful.
Magical Key to Bliss: Share your pain and suffering, and then let it go!
