“It’s the possibility of having a dream come true that makes life interesting.” Paulo Coelho
When we don’t take the time to dream, we are susceptible to get caught up in the routine of everyday comings and goings. When we fail to dream, we are subject to losing sight of the beauty that surrounds us with all the magic it holds. When we forget to stop and schedule moments to dream, we miss out on that precious time to connect with that place inside waiting to blossom. Our dreams keep our passion alive. Our dreams make life worth living. Our dreams need to be recognized and validated so that we thrive. In the reaching for our dreams, we reach for something greater than ourselves. We push past obstacles and revitalize our purpose and path. Yes, we wake up, get dressed and go to work or wherever else we are scheduled to be. Yes, we have responsibilities to tend to that seek to fill the hours of our days. Yes, other things take our time and fill our days. However, we can focus, plan, and take moments to think about what gives our hearts wings. That time invested in ourselves will be key to mapping out our personal plan for finding joy through our dreams. Yes, our spirits depend on the time that we take to be innovative by imagining what we are capable of. When we start out by focusing on our dreams and then setting out to follow them, life gets more interesting. As we open the doors for a whole world of possibilities, we enthusiastically experience a universe where dreams really come true!
Magical Key to Bliss: Draw a map to guide you in the direction of your dream!
