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The Magical Guide to Bliss insight: Be a magnet of love

“Everybody is like a magnet. You attract to yourself reflections of that which you are. If you’re friendly then everybody else seems to be friendly too.”

Dr. David Hawkins

Are you ready? Today is going to be an amazing day. Why? Today you are challenged to partake in the love magnet experiment. Your journey begins when you awaken to focus on that wonderful positive experience that you wish to happen. You take a moment to set a conscious intention to dream bigger than you ever imagined. You then only accept loving thoughts to invade your existence, and do it confidently with a huge smile. Working with the knowledge that you attract to yourself what you are putting out into the world, you become intensely aware of how you conduct yourself. You turn on your love magnet to invite magical people, places and things into your life. When you begin your day in a space filled with love, watch how you remain in that amazing place in your heart and mind undeterred. Then see and feel the magic that God intends for you as you attract that incredible energy back into your life. Start believing in and attracting love in your life. Make this a habit, visualize it and it will permeate your soul! Then all you are going to see and experience is love, love, love everywhere you go! Are you ready for the challenge?

Magical Key to Bliss: Pretend that you are a giant magnet of love and document what you attract.

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