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The Magical Guide to Bliss Insight: Be Bold!

“Whatever you can do, or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it.” ~Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

You live in a world of connections. Whether you like it or not, your life is intertwined with others. And thank goodness because you need other people to help you to move forward in life and realize your dreams. Technology has allowed the world to reach out for miles and miles as you get to meet people all over the world. Information and resources lay at your fingertips to help you tap into your source. The question remains are you bold enough to commit to your dreams, to start the process by doing the work necessary and to engage in the important conversations to begin. When the spark of genius awakes you from a dormant life, you are inspired and start to act. When you release your ideas into the universe, there is no telling where your own brand of innovation will take you. When you allow the magic of possibility to take hold in your life, the path opens up as you can see the way. As Thomas Edison stated wisely “Many of life’s failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up.” You may just about be able to see the fruits of your labor, who would give up now? Courage is what you need to succeed. Boldness is an attitude that will aid you as you take the risks necessary to be magical. All it takes is a commitment to a new reality. Then get ready to see how the universe will provide the connections to make all your dreams come true.

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