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The Magical Guide to Bliss Insight: Claim what is yours!

“The internal state of your mind is the biggest single factor in determining whether or not you succeed as a __________ (fill in the blank).” ~Lawrence Block

When the sun rises on a new day, you are filled with incredible possibility and potential. As the light breaks free from the horizon, you can also break free from your own self-imposed obstacles laden with past doubt and fear. The sun rises effortlessly. When it claims its rightful place in the sky as a matter of course, you get to share in its remarkable beauty as it lights up the day. You too can do the same and claim the light that is yours, the joy that is yours and the love that is yours. When the sun rises brilliantly and effortlessly, you will arise with the intention that today your mind and body will work together to shine. For today is a new day, a new moment and a new chance to become all you are meant to. While appreciating the journey is important, you get to choose to travel it with an internal state of mind filled with loving empowerment. With today’s sunrise, put your doubts aside and succeed in manifesting your greatest desires to whatever you want. With your loving thoughts shining from within, your life will already beam success. And as you travel through your day, the outside events will be ready to confirm what is already on the inside as you claim what is yours.

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