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The Magical Guide to Bliss insight: Share the love – no strings attached

“Anyone who loves in the expectation of receiving some kind of reward is wasting his or her time.”

Paulo Coelho

The greatest gift that we can give to one another is unconditional love.  Love that is based upon conditions is often misguided and manipulative.  To love purely and freely is the greatest gift one person can give to another. It is an act of the greatest acceptance that is both liberating to the giver and the receiver. When your love is given for the pure sake of sharing from the depth of your heart and soul and not as a means to an end, how wonderful it can be.  When you love another by recognizing or validating that person from a place that does not rely on what will be given in return, how incredibly healing. When you are embraced for who you are and not for what you have done, how this love changes you and makes you a better person.  Love given without any expectations is incredibly freeing while love given with expectation always has the potential of leaving you very disappointed. If you are going to share the love, release the strings, detach from the outcome and just set out to enjoy the act itself. For if you seek something in return, you are just wasting your time. As you use it well, your heart’s capacity to love will grow greater despite how your intentions are received.  So when you love, do your best to not bring conditions of receiving in return and open your heart to the experience. The result will be better than you ever expected.

Magical Key to Bliss: Do a good deed for another today without any expectations.



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