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The Magical Guide to Bliss Insight: Something great awaits you

“You are a process. The universe is a process. Everything around you is a process. Be in touch with that process and trust it. Trust the unfolding of your life and see what you have to learn from that.” ~Ann Wilson Schaff, PhD

Life is a process that unfolds before you. It is how you approach the process that dictates the experience and that is why trust is so important. While trust itself is defined as an assured reliance on the character, ability, strength, or truth of someone or something, it can be an incredibly dualistic concept. On the one hand, to trust in life can be seen as a challenge when you struggle to surrender control. And, on the other, to trust in life can be felt as a breath of fresh air as you ultimately release into a freedom that brings great peace. When you become aware that you are a part of something greater than yourself, then both the struggle and the release have a purpose in the grand scheme of things. If you become aware and trust that the unfolding of your life events are happening for a reason that will contribute to the lesson that is your life process, then you can stop fighting what happens and truly begin to enjoy the ride. You then won’t miss out on all that is good because your focus shifts. Remember, there is always the possibility that greater magic and miracles are awaiting you right around the corner. Really the magic is still there just waiting to be discovered by you to help you grow to greater heights. So just trust the process and then you hold the key to that something greater that will set your spirit free!



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