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The Story of S.H.I.N.E. Day 5! The Venue- Peacock Garden Cafe!

Scary! I decided to move forward with this event! Scary! i decided to underwrite it. Scary! I have never thrown a workshop this big before- Ever! I am an attorney. That is what I have been doing since 1997.  What makes me think that I can pull this off? Then it dawned on me, what made me think that I could go to law school and pass the bar – I did. What made me think that I could travel to a foreign country and live with a family and learn a foreign language not knowing anyone- I did. And what made me think that I would meet Oprah in person in front of 15,000 people, I did. So the moral of the story is – if you have big dreams, try not to overthink it. Set out the next best action and do that and sooner or later you will find out what I have all along- you will just do it and things will fall into place. Sometimes not effortlessly, it does take effort for sure, but what an experience it will be.

Last year in October, my good friend Mari and I went to breakfast after we served at a retreat in the morning.  We went to this adorable little nook set away from the hustle and bustle of the world. I have lived in Miami since 1992 and had never been to The Peacock Garden Cafe. It was like walking into a butterfly garden of enchantment.  I loved it instantly and said to my friend if I were to have a book signing it would be there.  Dream! The ambiance was amazing, the food surpassed my expectations- delicious did not even begin to describe it. And the history of this place intrigued me even more.

In April, when we were contemplating venues for SHINE, it did not surprise me that my friend Chris suggested Peacock Garden Cafe as an option. Dream coming into reality! Yes, yes, yes came to mind! When it came to decide if we were going to do this or not, when it came time to put down a credit card to secure the venue, I had to ask myself “am I going to do this or not?”  In reality, it was more the universe is conspiring in my favor, the dream is coming true, will I say yes and be a part of its creation or run away! And scary thoughts came to mind, “what if no one comes, what if I am left with a huge bill, what if I fail? what if? what if? what if?”  Well I did not have a crystal ball, but I do have my intuition and everything within me kept saying go for it! Go for it! Go for it! My track record is pretty good:) and I am really good at convincing people ( I am a lawyer) so I went about convincing myself with confidence-  So I went for it- put down the deposit and here we are 4 weeks out and this dream is becoming a reality! So I invite you all to share my dream in this enchanted garden!

You can go to and get more information. Inviting you all to shine brightly and share with all of us your own dreams. Don’t think too much, take one step at a time and before you know it, while your fears will come along for the ride, they will not inhibit you any longer! And you will look back for sure, saying to yourself- look what I did! that my friends will be you following your own Magical Guide where bliss will be your own reward!

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