“If you are blessed enough to grow older, there’s so much wisdom to be gained from celebrating the process with vibrancy and vigor and grace.”
There were never guarantees that life would be easy. However, if you keep your eyes open as you progress along the journey, life will give you many examples to let you know that you have been blessed along the way. Blessed enough to be born to experience the beauty of this world, are you ready to see it? Blessed enough to experience love through the interactions with the many people that cross your path, are you ready to believe it? Blessed enough to have a chance to make a difference and be a part of the solution, are you ready to take the challenge? Blessed enough to gain wisdom through the pain and joy of life, are you ready to accept it? Blessed enough to have a mind that delves into the mystery of creation, both on a scientific and spiritual level, are you open to it? Blessed enough to embody a compassionate heart to share your faith in the magic that exists each day, are you ready to allow it? There were never guarantees that life would be easy. There are beginnings and there are ends. There are ups and there are downs. There are happy times and there are sad times. Ultimately, you don’t have any control of what life circumstances come your way. Yet, you do have control over your mindset that you have been blessed enough to be a part of the experience. When you make the choice that you will process this incredible journey as a seeker of great wisdom, then you do have control over processing these life examples looking for the blessings throughout. When you choose to change the tune that guides you to one that infuses your life with a vibrancy like no other, then you will know that each event that occurs will offer you a chance to celebrate and inspire in your own special way. And when you cross my path with this infectious desire to learn about the simple grace that surrounds you, then I too will be blessed enough to have the opportunity to know you as your life will change mine for the better!
