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Use your life as a part of the great love experiment!

“Whatever we accomplish belongs to our entire group.  A tribute to our combined effort.” Walt Disney Imagine if we combined our efforts to spread more joy in this world, what a happier place this would be.  Imagine if we combined our efforts to spread more peace in this world, what a different vibe and energy we would experience.  Imagine if we combined our efforts to spread more love in this world, what a wonderful feeling from a shared embrace as we recognize the gifts each of us embodies.  I believe that one person can make a difference.  However, when one unites with another and combine efforts to bring good to this world , the possibilities for miraculous change and a fantastic outcome will multiply beyond measure.  What was once a splash in the ocean, together becomes a wave of love that has the potential to travel for miles and miles, far and wide.  The impact when we combine our efforts to spread joy, peace and love, will soon become a tribute to the entire group that set out to meet this worthy goal.  Together when we reach out in love, we can eradicate the illusion of loneliness.  Together when we reach out in love, the epidemic of depression can become a thing of the past.  Together when we reach out in love, we can connect and accomplish so much more than we could ever imagine on our own.  If together on a regular basis we shared that common goal to connect with each other in love by sharing a kind word, a genuine smile, or a hearty hug,  let your imagination run wild as to the magical reality that could be all of ours. Than make a start today as one and send out an invitation to other to join in and take ownership of all we can accomplish together to make remarkable efforts towards a goal that will leave a legacy of overwhelming love for future generations to experience as well.  Imagine if together we had a goal to connect in love, the accomplishments will belong to our entire group. That is something I want to be a part of- and you? Happy Valentines Day!

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