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We are all warriors of the light!

“A Warrior of Light is capable of understanding the miracle of life, of fighting to the last for something he believes in . . . [He] knows that he has much to be grateful for.  Angels help him in his struggle;  celestial forces place each thing in its place, thus allowing him to give it his best. . . His gratitude, however, is not limited to the spiritual world;  he never forgets his friends, for their blood, mingles with his on the battlefield.  A Warrior does not need to be reminded of the help given him by others.  He is the first to remember and he makes sure to share with them any rewards he receives. “

Paulo Coelho

We are all Warriors of the Light.   We all have the capability of understanding the beauty of this world and when challenged, we will fight for what we believe in.  We also know that we are not alone here and it is the people that are in our lives that make it rich beyond words.  Each of us have arrived at our place of distinction, not on our own accord, but with the love, nurturing and assistance of another.  There are many times in our lives where we have been a mentee or have mentored others and made a difference.  Let us all stand in gratitude for those in our lives who have helped us and share with them the rewards of our successful journey.  For the wise person knows that one cannot succeed in life on their own.  And if you have this wisdom, pass it on to another so that we all can become Warriors of the Light. 

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