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Whom will you believe?

All of what you are going through has a purpose. It will teach you empathy so that you can relate and help others someday.

~Mary Jo Nocero, my mother

Whom will you believe? Will you believe the proverbial “devil” or the “angel” that sits on your shoulder? The devil is your ego, afraid and in fear of the unknown. The angel is your soul already free from the illusions of the world. The devil is only a caricature of that part of your human persona that yearns for love. The angel is only a caricature of that part of your divine persona that knows you are love. Both parts serve a higher purpose. Both sides offer you perspective as your life unfolds. Both sides allow you to awaken and transform as you become more aware and liberated. Both sides are important and must be in balance in the reality that we are human and at the same time divine. Be the observer where before you may have been a judge. Step back and experience the moments in which the ego wants to dominate. Allow the soul, the divine you, to give the ego love and care. Be the observer of your past experiences. You are the person you are now because of what you have gone through. Believe that the duality of your life holds profound meaning, and embrace both. Ultimately, you will come to realize that the compassion gained from loving all of you will one day make a difference in your life and in the lives of others.

Magical Key to Bliss: Be an empathetic badass today and every day; it’s your superpower!

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