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BUTTERFLIES: Relief in Release!


“You were born with wings. Why prefer to crawl through life?” Rumi

Butterflies it is time to release the cocoon! Not that you need permission, but if you want it, here you go. No better time than the present to start to play with all the new tools and lessons that you have learned. Whether you are 10, 20, 30, 40, 50 or more, everything up until this moment in your life is for a reason. Time to start to embrace that and feel your wings again.

I have been ruminating for too long over those things in my life I would like to change. Beating myself up as I look at my life under a microscope. Why am I looking for imperfection after imperfection? Setting out to do my best, feeling like I am falling short. I keep trying to follow the lead of others for too long who I surmise “know better”. Falling off the path, going upstream rather than cruising down the path of least resistance. Then, I think to myself, only I really do know how to live the life I want. I have the vision of what that looks like. And, perhaps it is time to stop showing up crawling when I am meant to fly.


Last night, I went to bed with an intention to wake up this morning a kinder and gentler version of myself. I set out to release any agenda that I would undertake to berate myself for not being precisely where I think I should be. And, when I woke up, I smiled to myself with the knowledge that I get another opportunity to enjoy this day and play. I saw beauty in the mirror where I once saw flaws. I felt the strength in my body where I once felt weak. And, I knew that it is time to approach this life listening to the bray of my heart singing “I am”.

It will be eight years ago on Friday that my mother was freed from her cocoon to fly as an angel above. I am no longer reliving that loss, but celebrating her in a different way. I am grateful that I have healed from the breathtaking pain. My journey has not been smooth, it did change me, I suppose it was meant to unfold that way. But, with the gifts of wisdom, I am empowered with hope and love to keep going despite the fact that perfection is far away. You see, I am a little girl who chooses to bounce through life on a big yellow ball. Perhaps you like to run, but this is what makes me happy. This is what gets me excited enthusiastically as I see the magic in the world and it is more than ok.


I am what I am and keep an open mind to figure out what I like. Trying things once, is more than enough to figure it out. Meditation works at times, sometimes silence drives me out of my mind. Smiling is an accessory that I do my best not to leave at home. But tears, they flow when the pain is too great to hold. Sure, I like the nightlife, but succumb to sleep when my body can do no more. I always do my best to be grateful for my life and this path that I have taken. Sometimes, I don’t do the best job acknowledging what others mean to me. Proudly, I serve others to thrive. Sometimes, I feel exhausted and need to put the mask on first. Travel is the nectar of the Gods as it moves me out of my comfort zone to meet new people or engage with those I already love. Sometimes, the beach and ocean in my own backyard is more than enough. Exercise that resonates with me ultimately does its magic to clears my mind and get me back to center. Listening to my body, caring for it gets me further.

Last year, I found the lighthouse and its message of peace. Now, I have figured out what it all means. It is time for closure and to find relief in the release. Peace comes to those who accept themselves and others exactly where they are, detach with love when necessary and speak up for what is important to them. And this becomes more of the things that make you happy. It really is as simple as that. I release the need to defend my point of view. I wholly take responsibility for my life and my actions. And, I will never apologize for loving exactly as I am. There, my friends, lies the power to move mountains. A confidence and belief that we are all exactly where we are meant to be! Stop crawling, it is time to release the cocoon and fly. Real Bliss!


BUTTERFLIES: Relief in Release! was originally published on Meg Nocero

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