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Magic Under The Moon, Let It Flow!

“Don’t tell me the moon is shining; show me the glint of light on broken glass.”  Anton Chekhov

I woke up on Monday with the idea to write my intentions in the sand like I have every August full moon since 2014.  Usually I make a weekend out of it and travel to the most beautiful beach house on New Smyrna Beach. This year with all the change going on in my life, staying close to home was necessary. And embracing a flexibility in the unfolding, having no set plan, I sent out a quick note to my butterflies to see if anyone was interested in joining me.

The most beautiful thing about sending out messages into the universe, you never know how it will respond. I have long since held firm to the precise vision and allowed God to take over, and something wonderful always follows suit. And, that is exactly what happened on Monday night.

I reconnected with my magical connector on Friday night at my farewell happy hour celebration. I was thinking about her all Monday morning and these are my words that came to light which I shared with her in the early hours of that day:

“There is not just one star in the heavens, there are many. Each taking their rightful place in the universe. And in constant collaboration, none competing with the other, they light up the sky brilliantly shining magnificence down on all who are willing to wake up, see and join in.”

Her response to this text was quite simply an invitation: Going to set intentions tonight with the full moon with some ladies, want to come? We have not planned anything-it’s kind of organic, probably at Key Biscayne, will let you know more. Then she sent me this full moon mantra:

I am moving forward toward my highest and greatest good, I am releasing everything that no longer serves me and embracing my ever-evolving journey!

Yes, yes, yes. Pay attention, I lead and I follow.

And a group of us walked out on to the beach on the most beautiful night. All open to receive the bliss and magic of the moon. As we stepped out on to the stand, others with similar intentions were lined up on the water line, holding hands and in gratitude, singing and chanting the most miraculous song under the light of the moon.

We sat together on blankets in a makeshift circle, surrounded by the smell of gardenias and sage and proceeded to release what would hold us back only to embrace the beauty of our life that was manifesting in that very moment. And each one of us showed up with a story to tell. Sharing our brokenness, filled up fully with the hope of light that has invaded our souls.  All showing up to the inspiration of the present moment, rejoicing in the opportunity to be together on this beautiful night. Yes, the moon was shining for all to see on that Monday August night, authentically, with clarity and with purpose. But in those few hours, the gift I was given, the answer I received, was a vision of the magic of its light reflecting off and flowing from each one out on to me. Each one of us collaborating from a place of love, to experience the richness that is life and the glint of light on our broken glass! Each one of us a star in the heavens shining brightly together.  Perfect timing as I AM a storyteller ready to write the next chapter.

Copyright – all Rights Reserved – Butterflies & Bliss, LLC 2016


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