To teach, the journey must begin!
“The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step.” Lao Tzu
In the Beginning
I always believed that I would be a published author. I think I always knew this to be true. Even when I younger, I loved to play with words and draw characters; even my sisters will tell you that I wrote a series of at least 10 submissions about a young writer called Hello Fellow! Sadly, I disposed of my first work of art before it could see the light of day.
So Yesss!! It feels amazing to declare this truth, since 2015 “I AM A PUBLISHED AUTHOR” became my reality and I am grateful to the universe for how it all began.
It all Began With A Lap Top
My journey of a thousand miles began in 2006. Not really knowing what I needed, at a minimum I knew I would need a good lap top computer to travel with me wherever I wanted to go.
So on one busy Saturday, I marched into Best Buy, picked out the fastest MacBook at the time, and bought it with a pink cover to boot. At the register, I looked at my husband and stated as confidently as I could, “Today with this begins my writing journey!”
Now, almost 12 years later, I still have that pink cover, I did write The Magical Guide to Bliss on it, and on a newer model The Sunrise of Your Soul’s Bliss: A Book of Mantras, and La Bella Farfalla: The Story of the Beautiful Butterfly are both unfolding. You would say that my declaration became my own magical truth. That belief in myself and so much more, over the last 12 years, the wisdom gained, I can use to teach you what I didn’t know.
5 Excellent Tips to Teach You How to Start on Your Masterpiece
This has been the greatest empowering journey of my life. After I bought the laptop, I had to figure out how to put it to good use. Here are 5 Excellent Tips I came up with for Beginners to help get you started:
Start to write. Writers write. It is that simple. You have to make writing a habit. Schedule yourself well and keep this time as sacred. For me, each morning, I grab an inspirational book and my journal and away I go. For thirty minutes, I get on a stationary bike, I read and write whatever comes to mind. Find your special place. Delight in the books that are page turners and take notes on the ones that turn you off. As you begin, the journey becomes so much fun.
Keep a journal by your bed. Dreamcatchers, this is one of the best places to capture ideas. I go to sleep thanking the universe and my angels for any inspiration. When I wake up, if the dream was a doozy, I write precisely what I remember within the first minutes of daylight. You can even keep a journal by your shower. When your mind is most still, inspiration can just spill in.
Carry a small notebook with you. Use a notebook or use your phone, but always be at the ready to capture ideas as they meet you. From all sorts of topics, if it is something that I want to remember for later, I jot it down. I am too overwhelmed at times, I never want to be caught off guard without a way to grab on to genius.
Writing prompts. If you are a bit stiff with your creative writing, nothing is better than writing prompts to get you started. From “what was my favorite thing to do as a child?” to “what are my greatest dreams?”, the writing prompts can have you dancing into territory that is new or even unfinished leaving you feeling excited as you hone your writing skills.
The Most Important Tip #5
Know Your Why! Please know this above anything else anyone will ever say or do, telling your story is your gift to the world. You never know who you will help. For over 20 years as an attorney, I learned the art of telling a good story. Now, as the story teller, my”Why”, is what I hold on to, then I let the universe take care of the “How”. I met a young woman recently who shared with me her passion and rejection. I congratulated her, reminded her that authors like JK Rowling of Harry Potter fame papered her wall with them. Remember rejections just guide you to where you need to be to get your story out there into the world. Hold on to to your Why and you will not be deterred.
Now take the first step!
For more great insight and wisdom, go to This Blog Submission is 1 of 5 parts of Teach You What I Didn’t Know. Stay Tuned for Part two-Now that Writing is a Habit, What Next?

Teach You What I Didn’t Know: 5 Tips to Get You Writing was originally published on Meg Nocero